Monday, August 29, 2011

first post

In the 21st century, the inventiveness of the designers during the 1960s and 1970s influences the modern world of design. Color and line paint the most emotive qualities in the viewer’s consciousness. Though the style is dated, the messages communicated by the designer is timeless. The concept of condensing graphics to elaborate an idea became more universal in the 1970s, and is now a cornerstone of modern design. I <3 NY exemplifies that less is more. To effectively communicate, you must degenerate the details of the message and invent a more visual and less textual point. Success is communicating with the sensory, not the logic. Milton Glaser understood social psychology, embraced the less is more concept, and flourished in the graphics world. Though the spaghetti dome scene in the documentary seemed silly at the time, with more consideration it became a beautiful analogy. Spaghetti easily tangles and interconnects. In the case of the dome, the noodles were fused together for a purpose. This scene reflected Glaser’s lifetime of teamwork and networking, as well as his continuing creativity. He based his life upon meeting with other designers to better society’s ability to comprehend ideas aching to be understood.

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